Atomic Tanks Portable

Atomic Tanks Portable 5.1

Image Atomic Tanks Portable 5.1
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Total votes: 0 votes
  • Developer:

    Jesse Smith

  • OS:

    Windows ME

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "Destroy enemy tanks"

In many occasions the maximum simplicity of a videogame implies a high level of addiction and fun. Atomic Tanks Portable is a great proof of that.

The mechanics present in this title is one of the most basic, since only two tanks are present that must shoot each other. The real challenge lies in correctly calculating each shot, since your possible victory will depend on it. The wind is a decisive element, so you must control both the force and its direction.

Some mountains prevent Atomic Tanks Portable shots from affecting the enemy tank and must be destroyed first. If you wish, you can acquire new high-powered weapons.